Thursday, January 2, 2014

Love in the New Year with your spouse!!!

I have to admit I have been a little obsessed with a song lately...."Say Something" a little duet with A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera.  This song rips my heart into pieces for so many reasons....but most of all I think I have listened to it enough to finally know why this song effects me so.  At first, my heart and mind tied this song to a person from my past for many reasons but the biggest reason was because I walked away from him because......I loved someone ex-husband and my boys.  When I had the ah-ha moment I was driving down the road and the song came on.  I felt choked up again and had to pull over to the side of the road.

You see tears flow easily however tears that are held back for too long burn and are so heavy with weight that a blurred vision sets in. At that moment I realized why this song impacted me.  This song had nothing to do with another person it had to do with me.  Because I walked away from my marriage.  Yes...I know it takes two to tango but I gave up.  Threw in the towel and didn't want to fight any more.  Didn't want to feel the way I did anymore.  I felt hurt, confused and most of all tired.  When I told him how I felt...we came to realize we felt the same.  But I look back now......

So here is my two cents...for what it is worth (since my ex-husband and I are remarried to each other), I'd say that my words might be worth every penny.  Here it is..... DON'T GIVE UP.  Say something, say anything, but talk to each other.  This is the person you are to love and hold for the rest of your life.  I know we get tied up in our jobs, money, the kids, school, what ever it could possibly to your best partner, you know the one you lay down next to every night.  I have friends right now that are past this point.  Separation or divorce is imminent.  But if you are going just day by day and want to be happy in your relationship with your spouse then by all something about it.  I hear folks that talk about their pains and being tired and such once the kids go down and it is their only time to themselves.  Well guess what.....that is the only time for your spouse as well.  Make time together, take time together.  It is as simple as telling the kids to go play and enjoy a cup of coffee together.  Or go out together with out friends.  Time for each other.

We have all these new years better ourselves....blah, blah.  That is great!  Please I encourage you to keep these goals.  But make another one this year, a goal to grow your relationship.  Even if you think you have a great relationship.....make it better!  If your stuck, then make time together.  If you need to go to therapy, find someone that will listen to BOTH sides.  Make it a team effort and an effort for God.  Put God at the center of your relationship and if you don't know where to start....well put your hands together, bow your head and ask God for help.  Because folks it is sooooo easy to say "Say something, I'm giving up on you....", but it takes extreme effort to grow your relationship with your spouse.  Don't swallow your pride, stand up and tell the person you are supposed to love that you love them. 

Now I'm rambling, so I'm done.  Because I think if I listen to this dang song that is on repeat on my iphone ....I'm might puke (we are talking 50+ times). 

Say something because I'm going to fight for you.  Please and thank you.

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