Friday, October 28, 2011

Take My Own Advice...

So I have been thinking about the loopholes...the holes in the fence.  How far can I stray from God without being vile to myself or others?  With that I have been trying to change that philosophy and move towards how close can I stay to Him.  With this being on my mind, I have been able to notice these short comings and call myself up on things much quicker than the past.  I have never been Catholic....but oh my the guilt.

At the top on my Covey Planner yesterday was a beautiful quote that I feel plays into this week's sermon.  To believe is to be strong.  Doubt cramps energy.  Belief is power. - Frederick William Robertson.  I find my loopholes or search for these holes in the fence come when I don't believe that something will work or get better.  Or I feel that I just can't do something or have a fear.  So like water....I try to find the easiest fix or path.  Which in turn.....can be the wrong path or of sin.  So to be strong...I must believe that these things will work, that I CAN do it and that it will get better. 

Since at every turn when I have any sort of doubt my mind gets cluttered and distracted.  As I have been playing disc golf lately....I find it is the doubt of finishing my putt......can't make the shot cause I have problems sinking the putt.  Seriously, I find God plays a sick joke by bringing this analogy to my mind due to the fact that as my disk glides by it actually hits the basket but doesn't go in.  So in turn I need to get my head in the game and have belief that I will sink the putt.

Get my head in the game and believe that it will get better.  Believe to be stronger and let no doubt interfer with my game.  Life is too short of a game to play half heartedly.  No more doubt and loopholes, pray....and believe.  I know that God will show us the way to making all things work in Him.

Monday, October 24, 2011

35 and counting....

35 years and counting.....maybe I should of stopped counting at 30 years, but what good would that do.  They say you get wiser the older you get....not sure if that rings true with me but I know when I talk to others I can honestly say "been there and done that." (although, I should of gotten the T-shirt).  As I have written before, I believe that God gives us life experiences so that we are able to help others later on in life.  I am thankful for these experiences and know that I can not go back and redo however I do know is that all I can do is move forward in a better light.  Which brings me to the sermon this past week....or I should say this new sermon series "Closing Loopholes".  Such a perfect title as it says it all.  “How close to my Shepherd can I stay” instead of “How far from my Shepherd can I stray?”

Recently I have been tested by this...okay, okay, every day I am tested by this.  The age old question is can I do it and not get caught.  The things we do in which we care to deny to others as the evil doing we do serves a want at that moment in time...yet we forget that the want is really not a need.  A need is something we have  to have to survive and a want is a desire to form some sort of happiness.  Pastor spoke of these holes in the fence and we feel that happiness lurks on the other side in the form of the wolf....that is evil and bring us to despair.  I know that the times in my life that I have chosen to stray I was thinking that in time it would bring me happiness has only brought me down.  At the time I didn't realize how far down it brought me but in time I knew that I was at the bottom of the pond rather than bringing me the glory of floating on the top to feel the sun upon my face. 

We have these loopholes in our lives and I find it difficult at times when we need to remove these loopholes so that we can be closure to Christ.  But using the questions above.....instead of asking, "How far from my Shepherd can I stray? " Truly ask yourself "How close to my Shepherd can I stay?"  This now removes the temptations of what can you do to have the feel good moment and give you the feel good life.  Makes me think that when we focus on the negative in our lives....we become negative beings....looking for loopholes to bring us instant gratification to drag us down.  So with that being celebrate my upcoming birthday I am going to focus on the positive of this past year and what is ahead.

I started to make a list of 35 things I am thankful for but I think I will keep that to myself.  However I will celebrate these items and be thankful to Him.  I am also going to make a list of loopholes...where are my short comings and what can I do so that I don't continually repeat these mistakes.  My list will include things that I can do to keep me closer to to Christ.