Monday, January 23, 2012

Sour Milk

I kept thinking today about analogies that I could use to blog about tonight....but nothing seemed to click.  Driving home in this gloomy weather over the lake that was deep in fog, I thought the fog in your life doesn't disappear until you have the warmth from the Son to let you see clearly.....or perhaps the nasty bottle of sour milk that I emptied from the fridge this morning, the smell so rank that I held my breath after getting a wif.  Kind of like our life when we stand still in our faith walk and don't keep ourselves fresh with the scripture and spiritual activities that our spiritual life becomes stagnant.  Okay, okay, I think you get the picture. 

So where do you stand in your faith walk?  Feeling kind of dull, doing the same thing you do week after week....going to church and going home?  Or do you stay fresh in your walk by doing activities within your church and community that allow you to reach out?  I recently wrote about getting involved in volunteer activites to help with the homeless and those less fortunate.  I said to a close friend, "Please hold me to this, I want to stay true to my word."....She said I had to make a plan, a life plan.  So this got me thinking about "the plan".  I happen to be one that finds the word "plan" to be close to a four letter word.  I at times feel confinded by the actions of making a plan.  I have always worried about the what if's and the what not's.  I'm also one who hits the pavement running, with no shoes on and forgets to strech out first.

However, this is the first time in a long time that I am making plans, both short and long term.  I'm trying to remember that my plans aren't all about me.  My plans affect me, my family and others.  I have also in the past made plans by myself...I didn't need assistance from anyone.  I have learned from this mistake and am working to communicate my wishes and fears to the man I love and spend my life with.  I have also learned that I have to be patient and listen to the big Man upstairs.  God does truly laugh when we plan.  So with a prayerful mind I am walking my path, trying to be sure that it is the path that God has chosen for me and my family.

So as part of my plan, I am researching various outlets to get involved whether that be more at church or more so in the community.  I am amazed at the outlets that are out there for us to be more involved.  Research has shown that people that volunteer their time to help others are proven to rate their lives as happier and more confident of themselves.  God put us here to help others, especially those less fortunate.

So if your feeling slightly stangnat in your faith walk and need a little jump start, find an outlet to help someone.  This could be as simple as helping a neighbor or reaching out at church volunteering for something you have yet to do.  I know the first steps are the hardest but once a plan is in action the possibilites are endless.  Remember to enjoy the journey, don't worry God will take you to your final destination when He is ready. 

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