Monday, January 16, 2012

Perfect Harmony

As I am sitting here this evening, reading a bit and listening to music, I feel moved to share some thoughts.  I find it amazing that God has given us so many talents.  One talent that I find so passionate and moving is that of music.  Such an art, a movement, a slice of heaven for all of us to enjoy.  Yes, I know there is genres of music that we find we don't meld well with and others we could listen to all day.  I find it amazing what music does to us.  The mesh of tones, brought together in such beautiful harmony. 

I will never forget my symphony days...the days of playing violin or singing.  That ultimate feeling that overtakes you as you play your part and join in together as a group.  The feeling of the vibration of your instrument as you strike the chord so perfectly that your instrument hums.  My son for Christmas got a children sized guitar.  As I was picking a few notes and heard the perfect hum of the note so right, that "pung" took me back to the days of playing violin, when you were in perfect pitch.  I have truly enjoyed having my children have such love for music.  We shall see if that develops over the years.

But such wonderment that God created this thing....this sound that moves us.  The movement not just to move our bodies but move our emotions and spirit.  Take us to memories and places near and far after you hear a tune.  The beauty of a musician with the gift given to them to use part of the body to make music.  I remember the pain that I felt in my fingers and hands after playing for hours.  But the wonderment that I received from playing was so much more than the pain. 

I don't play violin anymore as my hands can't handle the pain.  But I am still moved and feel as if there are times that I am still in the orchestra playing.  I miss it and wonder where life would be if I had that path before me.  However, I have learned the path isn't there for a is not the path that God has for me.  For some strange reason, (with tears in my eyes right now), I have learned to accept that.  There will be other arts out there for me to explore.

However, as I sit here this evening listening to Yanni, (dorky I know), I am moved by his music.  His ability to take such notes that invoke strong emotions to take me to places I once knew and hope to know again. I know there are other talents and arts that I will be able to express emotions and beauty in the future.  I am thankful to God to give us amazing musicians that can put together sounds to remind us how truly amazing He is. 

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