Thursday, August 9, 2012

Smells Like Cookies!

Every so often I get this strong urge to bake.  I love the actions of gathering everything needed, seeing the ingredients come together but most of all I love that smell.  The smell that fills the house and you know that your baked good is almost done.  The smell that makes you salivate in anticipation of the goodies.  Another place I love the smell is an old fashion church. 

I say old fashion because my current church is an auditorium church so the warm smell of wood pews and old carpet is not there.  Makes me sad at bad you can't buy that old fashion church smell kinda like that new car smell.  When we were in Europe we took time to go into some churches.  I knew the instant I heard the creak of the wood door into the sanctuary....the smell.  The smell that brings me back to the days of church as a child.  Learning about how Christ loves me no matter what.  Learning that I need to pray and ask for forgiveness.  Learning that great song, Jesus Loves Me.  Almost that smell of pure Christian innocence.  Where you just knew, you just believed.  Faith like a child. 

I sometimes wish my walk with Christ was that easy, child like.  However, as a grown adult I make it difficult.  I get blinded by so many things that the devil puts before me, blinded by my past and blinded by my struggles of not being good enough.  I know the moment my eyes become unfocused on God is when everything turns wrong.  I have been reading a new book "Soul Detox", I'm finding this book so refreshing and eye opening.  He helps you look inside at the true you and helps you take your insides and focus them only on what Christ would want.

So I have been trying to remind myself of the "old fashion church" smell.  This helps me remember what it was like to have faith like a child.  Reminds me to look up at the cross, at God, who is my Father, my leader and my forgiver.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, struggle with the same things. But the fact that you know that the devil is trying to bring you down is the first step. You know what to do and how to get over that hump. God loves you! I've heard that book is good. Definitely on my list. Love you my friend! Alison :)
